Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Is he with you?- Antonio Santiago

 Is he with you? unfinished rambling
You know I sit and remember when you were still a part of me,
 I went for months not knowing you were there inside of me.
 I had all the signs; I had all the symptoms
 And yet your mama was stupid, i made the wrong decisions.
 And as I sit and remember,
 I try to forget...
 Your life with me on this earth
 was never meant to be.
 God had given you a soul, a life, a name. 
 He made you a soldier, and your life he did claim,
 So now things will never be the same,
 Antonio you were mine to give life to; 
 though it was only for a while,
 A lot of things had changed; & now
 I'll never see your smile
 Antonio Santiago my love for you will
never disappear.
Even though its your voice, your laugh 
I'll never get to hear.
You will always be my baby angel.
Though I've never seen your face,
not a thing in this world can ever take your place.
You are daddy's lost pride 
& you are mommy's lost angel
We never thought this would happen;
we never imagined it'd be real 
But since it was; since it is...
  We will always miss you & 
wonder...."Jesus, is he with you?"
  But then we will look to the sky, 
even though we can't see you..
  we know that every move we make 
you'll be watching from the heavens..
  and laughing at our mistakes. 
Baby we aren't perfect, 
 (Lost focus)
 As you probably very well know
 we don't even__ ..
 But baby we promise, even though meeting you
wasn't for fate..__
 not a thing in this world will EVER take your place...

A mother's love never dies.

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